I’m very excited to share this article, Today (23-Sep-2014) 2daygeek.com celebrating 1’st Birthday. Initially i started this blog for my personal use and later i was extremely attaractd to linux and opensource which started eating my brain to involve and research indepthly about it. I was passionate to research & write article on opensource product in 2daygeek.com blog. As of now I wrote 229 useful articles.
2daygeek has become a useful guide for learning the Linux and open source technologies on an on-going basis.As you know opensource is like an ocean.There is always a new thing to learn and explore about it.So 2daygeek blog helps you to know the Tips and Tricks About Linux and OpenSource which helps resolving the doubts about opensource.
Maintaining a high quality blog requires lot of motivation and commitment, which I was able to do only because of the lovely support provided by you.
I was very much thankful to each and every readers of my blog.You have supported me a lot to increase my knowledge on opensource with you.
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By Magesh Maruthamuthu