Now a days everybody is using more than one Operating System in a single computer based on their requirement. This is called multiboot or dual-boot configuration. Whenever you start your computer, In console you will get option to choose which operating system you want to load. For multiboot or dual-boot you need to install the second OS to separate partition. This is the small geek but a few don’t know how to do that. Now, I’m going to install two operating systems in a single system.
1) Installing First OS
I already installed openSUSE 13.1 on my PC. While installing, i didn’t partition my hard disk properly so/root partition took whole disk space. For multiboot i want a separate partition. So I’m going to resize the root partition using GParted.
2) How to resize active/primary root partition using GParted
Use the GParted to resize active/primary root partition to free disk space.
3) Installation Second OS
Now, I’m going to install Ubuntu 14.04 LTS. Insert your installation media and boot your system.
4) Install Ubuntu on your system
Choose Install Ubuntu button to install Ubuntu 14.04 on your system.
5) Preparing to Install Ubuntu
Verifying HDD Space and network connection. Everything is fine and we will install third party software later and hit Continue button to move forward.
6) Installation Type
This step is important for installing multi OS in a single machine. If you have unallocated space in your hard drive first option is perfect one. It will automatically take that unallocated space and install Ubuntu 14.04 LTS with a separate partition.
7) Installation got Completed
Now, installation got completed. Remove your installation media then hit Restart Now button.
8) multiboot console
Now you can see both Operating Systems (Ubuntu & openSUSE) are visible in your console. Choose which one you want to load and enjoy it.
Note : You can install N of Operating system in single machine, for that you need a separate partition that’s it.
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