Deepin is a Linux distribution committed to providing an elegant, user-friendly, safe and stable operating system for users all over the world. Based on User feedback Deepin team proudly announce the Deepin 15.1 on January 29, 2016 correction edition emphasized on fixing Bugs, optimizing the system and expanding App repository.
Based on questions and advices users submitted through Deepin Feedback, we fixed and optimized system modules such as Dock, Launcher, Control center & others, etc…
Deepin Store has added Straight Flush, WizNote, Android Studio, AliWangwang and many other hot Apps, and fixed few app store issues.
Added Deepin Cloud Print, is a brand new enterprise printer resolution. With the organic combination of cloud network and authorization mechanism, it can once and for all solve your problems in printing under Linux environment. Deepin Cloud Print is suitable for desktops, laptops, some tablets and all other authorized devices.
Deepin 15.1 Upgrade
deepin 15.1 can be upgraded to the latest edition through “Control Center >> System Information >> Update >> Run the Update”.