Xenlism is a technological graphics project to improve the overall appearance and feeling of the end-user desktop.
It is about minimalism and realism. More accurately, Wildfire is an icon theme for any system running x11 project clients like X.org or Wayland, like most of GNU/Linux or BSD systems and their derivatives (Debian, Archlinux, Mageia or FreeBSD)
The graphics standards are inspired by Nokia’s Meego and Apple’s iOS icons theme.
Xenlism project has been tested on Gnome, Unity, Mate and Cinnamon but there is no reason for which it wouldn’t work with other desktop environment such as KDE or Xfce.
Xenlism is heavy and weighs more than 200 MB because it supports more than 700 applications.
Wildfire icons are vectorial, which means they aren’t limited by the definition of your screen but may be slow on some systems.
Xenlism’s Wildfire source code has been made with Adobe Illustrator and is made of .ai files, which have been converted to Prototype Template icons .svg files.
Prototype Template icons is a script to easily build color by color scheme files.
It includes a script to convert .svg or .ai to any other icon format : .ai→.svg, .ai→.icns, .ai→.png, .svg→.icns, .svg→.svg and .svg→.png.
It changes the way of your desktop look. It looks beautiful with all kind of themes.
It supports all major Linux distributions and desktop environments such as Gnome, Cinnamon, xfce, etc,.
We had written many article about Icon Themes and GTK Themes. You can access those in single click by navigating the appropriate link in this article.
1) How To Install Xenlism Wildfire Icon Theme In Linux?
There are many ways we can install Xenlism WildFire by pacman and Apt-Get Git or WGET and CURL.
I preferred to go with wget and curl methods that is common for all the distributions.
Install Xenlism Wildfire Icon Theme with wget Command.
$ bash <(wget -qO- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/xenlism/wildfire/master/INSTALL/online.install)
Install Xenlism Wildfire Icon Theme with curl Command.
$ bash <(curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/xenlism/wildfire/master/INSTALL/online.install)
2) How To Install Gnome Tweak Tool In Gnome Desktop?
The GNOME Tweak Tool is an extension of the GNOME shell that can be used to customize the Gnome desktop appearance.
Run the following command to install the Gnome tweak tool on Gnome desktop environment.
$ sudo apt install gnome-tweak-tool $ sudo dnf install gnome-tweak-tool
3) How To Enable/Activate The Xenlism Wildfire Icon Theme In Linux?
Once we have successfully installed the Xenlism Wildfire icon theme, it's time to enable it.
To do so, follow the below procedure and enable it based on the desktop environment.
GNOME Desktop:
Gnome Tweak Tool >> Appearance >> Choose the Icon from the drop-down box followed by "Icons" >> Finally close the AppUnity Desktop:
Unity Tweak Tool >> Appearance >> Icon >> Choose the desired icon from the list >> Finally close the AppCinnamon Desktop:
Menu >> Appearances >> System Settings >> Theme >> Choose the desired icon from the drop-down box >> Finally close the System SettingsLXDE Desktop:
Menu >> Appearances >> Customize Look and Feel >> Icon Theme >> Choose the desired icon from the list >> Apply >> Finally closeXFCE Desktop:
Menu >> Settings >> Appearance >> Icons "Choose the desired icon from the list" >> Finally close
Alternatively you can set the Xenlism Wildfire icon theme by running the following command.
$ gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface icon-theme "Xenlism-Wildfire"
4) Xenlism Wildfire Icon Theme Screenshot Tour
Yup, we have successfully installed and activated the Xenlism Wildfire icon theme. Now, it's time to see the look.
If you don't need Xenlism Wildfire
icon theme any more then simple uninstall it by running the following command.
$ sudo /usr/sbin/xenlism-wildfire.uninstall