How to Schedule a Task or Job on Linux Using Crontab

Job scheduling is a feature that is available in all operating systems that allow a user to perform specific tasks at a specific time interval.

The Linux crontab is similar to windows task scheduler.

This reduces the Linux administrator work and regularly executes scheduled jobs at a given time if the system is running.

There are three tools in Linux for planning a job.

All three tools have unique features and choose the one that suits your needs.

  • cron: cron is used to execute a task repeatedly at a specified time. It can be monthly, weekly, daily, hourly, every minute, even every second.
  • at: The at command is used to run a task one-time (not recurring) at a specific time.
  • anacron: anacron command is used to execute commands periodically, which is similar to cron. But this tool is specifically designed for a system that is not running 24×7.

In this tutorial, we are going to teach you about the cron command and then in the upcoming articles we will explain about at and anacron command.

cron uses a 24-hour format, so use the values accordingly.

What is cron Command

The cron tool allows Linux users to execute commands or scripts at a specific date and time. It is very useful to perform regular tasks such as regular backups, daily scans, /tmp directory cleanup, and restarting the system at a given time.

cron executes scheduled jobs automatically in the backend at a specific time. Each user can have their own ctrontab, and this can be found it in “/var/spool”.

cron jobs can be allowed or disallowed for any users by adding a user in the “cron.allow” and “cron.deny” file.

Linux Crontab Syntax

The Linux crontab has six fields, the first 5 fields (1-5) indicate the date and time of execution, and the 6’th field is used to execute a command or script.

 .-----------------> Minute (0-59)
 |    .--------------> Hour (0-23)
 |    |    .-----------> Day of Month (1-31)
 |    |    |    .--------> Month (1-12) or (jan,feb,mar,apr ...dec)
 |    |    |    |    .-----> Day of Week (0-6) (Sunday=0 or 7) or (sun,mon,tue,wed,thu,fri,sat)
 |    |    |    |    |    .--> Command to be executed
 |    |    |    |    |    |
 *    *    *    *    *    *

Important cron Commands

Each user should be familiar with the following important cron commands that helps the user to manage the cron easily.

Use the following command to add/edit the current user’s crontab entry. This will open crontab file in the editor and allow users to add or remove an entry in it.

# crontab -e

Use the following command to list the logged-in user’s crontab entry.

# crontab -l

Use the following command to remove the logged-in user’s crontab entry.

# crontab -r

Use the following command to add/edit crontab entry to a specific user.

# crontab -u username -e

Use the following command to list a particular user’s crontab entry.

# crontab -u username -l

Use the following command to delete a particular user’s crontab entry.

# crontab -u username -r

Important cron Files and Location

Below are the important files of the cron daemon.

The crontab configuration file.


All user’s crontab files can be found in the below location.

# ls -lh /var/spool/

Predefine crontab directory.


Allowed crontab special characters.

| Value |                     Description                    |
|   * 	| Match all possible values in the field             |
|   -   | To define a range                                  |
|   /   | To repeat an event at a specific interval          |
|   ,   | To separate a items                                |

How to Install cron on Linux

By default, the crony package is installed on most Linux system. If not, it can be easily installed with the help of the distribution package manager.

For Fedora system, use DNF Command to install cronie.

$ sudo dnf install cronie

For Debian/Ubuntu systems, use APT-GET Command or APT Command to install cronie.

$ sudo apt install cronie

For Arch Linux based systems, use Pacman Command to install cronie.

$ sudo pacman -S cronie

For RHEL/CentOS systems, use YUM Command to install cronie.

$ sudo yum install cronie

For openSUSE Leap system, use Zypper Command to install cronie.

$ sudo zypper install cronie

Once you have installed the cronie package, run the following systemd command or SysVinit command to start and enable it.

Use the following command to start the crond Service on SysVinit systems.

# service crond start
# /etc/init.d/crond start

Use the following command to enable the crond service on SysVinit systems.

# chkconfig crond on

Use the below command to start the crond service on systemd systems.

# systemctl start crond.service
# systemctl start crond

Use the below command to enable the crond service on systemd systems.

# systemctl enable crond.service
# systemctl enable crond

1) How to Schedule a cron to Execute a Job Once in a Day

This example runs the scheduled shell script of the MySQL backup at 6PM every day.

0 18 * * * /opt/scripts/


| Field |       Description       |
|   0 	| 0'th Minute             |
|  18   | It runs the job at 6PM  |
|   *   | Every day               |
|   *   | Every month             |
|   *   | Every day of the week   |

2) How to Schedule a cron to Execute a Job Twice in a Day

This example runs the scheduled shell script of the MySQL backup at 9AM and 3PM twice a day.

0 9,15 * * * /opt/scripts/


| Field |          Description           |
|   0 	| 0'th Minute                    |
|  9,15 | It runs the job at 9AM and 3PM |
|   *   | Every day                      |
|   *   | Every month                    |
|   *   | Every day of the week          |

3) How to Schedule a cron to Execute a Job Between Time in a Day

This example runs the scheduled shell script of the MySQL backup from 10AM to 2PM. It runs 5 times a day.

0 10-14 * * * /opt/scripts/


| Field |                  Description                  |
|   0 	| 0'th Minute                                   |
| 10-14 | It runs the job at 10AM,11AM,12PM,1PM and 2PM |
|   *   | Every day                                     |
|   *   | Every month                                   |
|   *   | Every day of the week                         |

4) How to Schedule a cron to Execute a Job Every Minute

This example runs the scheduled shell script of every minute.

* * * * * /opt/scripts/


| Field |       Description       |
|   * 	| Every Minute            |
|   *   | Every Hour              |
|   *   | Every day               |
|   *   | Every month             |
|   *   | Every day of the week   |

5) How to Schedule a cron to Execute a Job Every Five Minutes

This example runs the scheduled shell script of the “” every 5 minutes.

*/5 * * * * /opt/scripts/


| Field |       Description       |
| */5 	| Every 5 Minute          |
|   *   | Every Hour              |
|   *   | Every day               |
|   *   | Every month             |
|   *   | Every day of the week   |

6) How to Schedule a cron to Execute a Job Every 2 Hours

This example runs the scheduled shell script of the “” every two hours.

* */2 * * * /opt/scripts/


| Field |       Description       |
|   * 	| Every Minute            |
| */2   | Every 2 Hours           |
|   *   | Every day               |
|   *   | Every month             |
|   *   | Every day of the week   |

7) How to Schedule a cron to Execute a Job Once in a Week

This example runs the scheduled shell script of the once a week at 5AM.

0 5 * * 6 /opt/scripts/


| Field |       Description       |
|   0 	| 0'th Minute             |
|   5   | It runs the job at 5AM  |
|   *   | Every day               |
|   *   | Every month             |
|   6   | Every week of Saturday  |

8) How to Schedule a cron to Execute a Job Twice a Week

This example runs the scheduled shell script of every Sunday at 8PM and 10PM.

0 20,22 * * sun /opt/scripts/


| Field |           Description           |
|   0 	| 0'th Minute                     |
| 20,22 | It runs the job at 8PM and 10PM |
|   *   | Every day                       |
|   *   | Every month                     |
|  sun  | Every week of Sunday            |

9) How to Schedule a cron to Execute a Job on Specified Days

This example runs the scheduled shell script of every Tuesday and Friday at 3AM.

0 3 * * tue,fri /opt/scripts/


| Field |                Description               |
|   0 	| 0'th Minute                              |
|   3   | It runs the job at 3AM                   |
|   *   | Every day                                |
|   *   | Every month                              |
|tue,fri| It runs the job every Tuesday and Friday |

10) How to Schedule a cron to Execute a Job on Specified Months

This example runs the scheduled shell script of on March, July & December at 11PM.

0 23 * mar,jul,dec * /opt/scripts/


|    Field    |                Description               |
|      0      | 0'th Minute                              |
|     23      | It runs the job at 11PM                  |
|      *      | Every day                                |
|  mar,ju,dec | It runs the job March, July & December   |
|      *      | Every day of the week                    |

11) How to Schedule Multiple Tasks in One cron

This example runs the programmed shell script of & every five hours.

0 */5 * * * /opt/scripts/; /opt/scripts/
0 */5 * * * /opt/scripts/ && /opt/scripts/


| Field |                Description               |
|   0 	| 0'th Minute                              |
| */5   | It runs Every 5 Hours                    |
|   *   | Every day                                |
|   *   | Every month                              |
|   *   | Every day of the week                    |

12) How to Use a cron Special String in Linux

You can use @string instead of a long command like (*****). It is very simple and straight forward. See the following examples for a better understanding.

String Value Description
@reboot Runs at boot
@hourly 0 * * * * Runs once an hour
@daily 0 0 * * * Runs once a day
@midnight 0 0 * * * Runs once a day
@weekly 0 0 * * 0 Runs once a week
@monthly 0 0 1 * * Runs once a month
@yearly 0 0 1 1 * Runs once a year
@annually 0 0 1 1 * Runs once a year

13) How to Schedule a cron Using the @hourly String

@hourly string is similar to (0 * * * *). This example runs the programmed shell script of in the first minute of each hour.

@hourly /opt/scripts/


| Field |       Description       |
|   0 	| 0'th Minute             |
|   *   | Every Hours             |
|   *   | Every day               |
|   *   | Every month             |
|   *   | Every day of the week   |

14) How to Schedule a cron Using the @daily String

@daily string is similar to (0 0 * * *). This example runs the scheduled shell script of every day for the first minute and for the first hour.

@daily /opt/scripts/


| Field |       Description       |
|   0 	| 0'th Minute             |
|   0   | 1'st Hour               |
|   *   | Every day               |
|   *   | Every month             |
|   *   | Every day of the week   |

15) How to Schedule a cron Using the @midnight String

@midnight string is similar to (0 0 * * *). This example runs’s scheduled shell scripts every day for the first minute at 12 midnight.

@midnight /opt/scripts/


| Field |       Description       |
|   0 	| 0'th Minute             |
|   0   | It runs 12AM at midnight|
|   *   | Every day               |
|   *   | Every month             |
|   *   | Every day of the week   |

16) How to Schedule a cron Using the @weekly String

@weekly string is similar to (0 0 * * 0). This example will execute the scheduled work of the shell script in the first minute of each week and the first hour of Sunday.

@weekly /opt/scripts/


| Field |       Description       |
|   0 	| 0'th Minute             |
|   0   | 1'st hour               |
|   *   | Every Day               |
|   *   | Every Month             |
|   0   | Every Sunday            |

17) How to Schedule a cron Using the @monthly String

@monthly string is similar to (0 0 1 * *). This example will run the scheduled work of the shell script in the first minute and first hour of each month.

@monthly /opt/scripts/


| Field |       Description       |
|   0 	| 0'th Minute             |
|   0   | 1'st Hour               |
|   1   | 1'st day of month       |
|   *   | Every Month             |
|   *   | Every day of the week   |

18) How to Schedule a cron Using the @yearly String

@yearly string is similar to (0 0 1 1 *). This example will execute the scheduled job of the shell script in the first minute, first hour, 1st day of the month, and first month (January) of every year.

@yearly /opt/scripts/


| Field |       Description       |
|   0 	| 0'th Minute             |
|   0   | 1'st Hour               |
|   1   | 1'st day of month       |
|   1   | Once in a year          |
|   *   | Every day of the week   |

19) How to Schedule a cron Using the @annually String

@annually string is similar to (0 0 1 1 *). This is similar to the example above and does the same thing, but only the name is different.

This example will execute the scheduled job of the shell script in the first minute, first hour, 1st day of the month, and first month (January) of every year.

@annually /opt/scripts/


| Field |       Description       |
|   0 	| 0'th Minute             |
|   0   | 1'st Hour               |
|   1   | 1'st day of month       |
|   1   | Once in a year          |
|   *   | Every day of the week   |

20) How to Run a cron job Automatically After Server Reboot

@reboot is a special string and that allows the user to execute any command or script at startup (boot time).

This example executes the scheduled job of the file after a server restart (start or boot time).

@reboot /opt/scripts/

21) How to Disable a cron eMail Notifications in Linux

By default a cron will send an email alert when the scheduled job is completed. If you want to disable it for a specific task. To do so, add the below line to the end of the command or script.

/dev/null 2>&1

*/5 * * * * /opt/scripts/ >/dev/null 2>&1

I hope you found this article helpful. Please provide your valuable feedback in the comment section. Stay tuned with us!!

About Magesh Maruthamuthu

Love to play with all Linux distribution

View all posts by Magesh Maruthamuthu

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