We have already wrote about Taskwarrior in our previous article. It has all the essential core components which is working natively and fulfill all our expectation.
The open source community provides many non-core components/extension, which basically boost the taskwarrior customization. It supports nearly 340+ extensions and major extension are vim-taskwarrior, bugwarrior, & taskwarrior-web, etc,. Today we are going to discuss about one of the extension called Taskwarrior-Web.
Taskwarrior-Web is a lightweight, Sinatra-based web interface for the wonderful Taskwarrior todo application which was written in ruby. I saw the notice from developer, stating that he is not going to maintain the project as he don’t have the time. Hope some one will keep the project alive.
TaskwarriorWeb is a subset of Taskwarrior’s functionality, so whatever you do in web interface which will reflected in Taskwarrior.
How it work’s? After installation, this will create a executable file called task-web
, Start once in command line, it will automatically move the process to background and open the URL in your browser.
- Viewing tasks sorted and grouped in various ways.
- Creating a new task with a due date, project, and tags.
- Editing and deleting tasks (only task >= 2.0).
- task-web will pull your task config (from .taskrc ) and use it to determine date formatting and when an upcoming task should be marked as “due”.
- If you are on a Mac and use Fluid.app, you get a dock badge showing the number of pending tasks.
- Optional HTTP Basic authentication.
Make sure, Taskwarrior should be installed in your system before proceeding Taskwarrior-Web installation. Navigate to below link for Taskwarrior installation steps.
Suggested Read : Taskwarrior – An Easy Way to Manage TODO List From The Command Line
How to install Ruby in Linux ?
Ruby is a programming language, which has become more popular now a days. Many of the programmer focusing on rails to develop their application.
For Debian users, use APT Package Manager or Apt-Get Package Manager to install Ruby.
$ sudo apt-get install ruby-full
For openSUSE users, use Zypper Package Manager to install Ruby.
$ sudo zypper install ruby
For CentOS/RHEL users, use YUM Package Manager to install Ruby.
$ sudo dnf install ruby
For Fedora users, use DNF Package Manager to install Ruby.
$ sudo dnf install ruby
For Arch Linux users, use Pacman Package Manager to install Ruby.
$ pacman -S ruby
After successful installation of Ruby, run the following single command to install Taskwarrior-Web. This will install an executable called task-web
in bin directory.
$ gem install taskwarrior-web
Run the task-web
executable file once, it will automatically move the process to background and open the URL in your browser.
$ task-web [2017-04-12 12:41:37 +0530] Starting 'taskwarrior-web'... [2017-04-12 12:41:37 +0530] trying port 5678...
Navigate to web browser and access which will automatically open pending
tasks page. TaskwarriorWeb has two major sections Tasks
& Projects
. It uses Taskwarrior as its back end, so whatever you do in web interface which will reflected in Taskwarrior. You can perform all kind of actions which you do in command line.
Screenshot for Completed
tasks page.
Screenshot for Deleted
tasks page.
Screenshot for Project
tasks page.
Adding new tasks, click Add a Tasks
button in topmost right and input the requested information, finally hit Create Task
button. For testing purpose we are going to add a new task called RHEL Exam Preparation.
We have modified the task and added Medium Priority
. See the following screenshot for better understanding.
does not work out of the box anymore. Issues with BigDecimal version