19) Enable Java plugin support
Many web pages use Java applets for interactive content such as online games, WebEx (Online meeting), etc.,. By default all the browsers disabled the plugin due to security issue and still you want to enable to access the trusted web sites. We can enable it on browser by following below procedures. Make sure you system should have installed OpenJDK before proceeding to enable the JAVA Applet.
$ sudo dnf install icedtea-web java-openjdk
20) Install Oracle JAVA & OpenJDK
JAVA is necessary to run most of the applications in Linux and windows machine. JAVA comes with two packages (JDK & JRE). JDK stands for (Java Development Kit) which helps developers for developing, debugging, and monitoring Java applications. JRE stands for (Java Runtime Environment) which deploys Java applications on servers. It includes tools for JVM monitoring and tools commonly required for server applications.
- Install Oracle JAVA & OpenJDK
21) Install archive formats
Daily we will use archives for routine work, so install the archive utility which will work with all kind of archive formats.
$ sudo dnf install p7zip p7zip-plugins unrar
22) Install Bleach Bit (System Cleaner)
Bleach Bit is a free, open-source and easy to use disk space cleaner & privacy manager, not only clearing disk space apart from that it will Free cache, delete cookies, clear Internet history, shred temporary files, delete logs, and discard junk you didn’t know was there. Designed to work with Linux and Windows systems also clean a thousand applications such as Firefox, Internet Explorer, Adobe Flash, Google Chrome, Opera, Safari, and more.
- Install Bleach Bit System Cleaner
Now, you will feel, your Fedora 24 box become user friendly. What you are thinking ? Share your valuable commands in our comment section to improve our website quality…Stay tune with 2daygeek for latest LINUX GEEKS..)
A great documentation. might be said, an excellent job !
Thanks for the guide!
Very nice and exhaustive list, thanks!
Welcome Drohm
You need to add dnf before groupinstall.
good catch, updated article according that.
Thanks a bunch, love it.
Welcome Jeff